

You can install pyramid_crud using pip:

pip install pyramid_crud

Or you can fetch the current sources and install it manually:

git clone
cd pyramid_crud
python install

A Word on Dependencies

This library currently relies on certain other libraries. Therefore, it only supports a certain use-case (or at least only integrates well there). Thus, if your application stack differs from the libraries listed below, make sure to read this section to see which parts can be changed and which cannot.

The Mako integration is very loose, allowing for arbitrary templates to be used as long as they are registered properly with Pyramid.

WTForms on the other hand is more tightly integrated. It should be easily possible to write an adapter that replicates the WTForms interface and allows integration with other form libraries but this library was not designed for it. However, I am happy to accept pull requests that change this behavior to allow arbitrary form libraries as long as the code stays clean and the interface does not require major changes. Finally, there is no requirement for you to use WTForms in the rest of your application: You can simply rely on WTForms only for this library. As long as you don’t deviate from the default mechanisms you will not even have to concern yourself with WTForms at all.

SQLAlchemy is also very tightly bound to the library. Both the form and the view part rely on SQLAlchemy and its interface. However, seeing as SQLAlchemy is basically the go-to ORM outside of Django, I don’t see a need except if NoSQL databases are desired.

Pyramid is, of course, at the core of this library and there are currently no plans to decouple it to allow arbitrary frameworks the usage of this library. Again, I accept pull requests for this, but I find it much more likely that a split into a new library that provides this functionality independent of a web framework and separate integration into different frameworks is the way to go if this is desired. If you want to work on something like this, please contact me, so we can coordinate on this.


For this quickstart we assume you already have an application with models that you want to enable CRUD for.

First you have to include pyramid_crud in your .ini file:

pyramid.includes =
from pyramid_crud.forms import CSRFModelForm
from pyramid_crud.views import CRUDView
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelForm(CSRFModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel

class MyModelView(CRUDView):
    form = MyModelForm
    url_path = '/mymodel'

That gets you started: We create a form and a set of views for our form. Now start your application and visit the application on the path /mymodel. You should see a list of present instances and also buttons to delete them and add new instances. Finally, you can also click the first columns element to edit an item. Go ahead, play around with it. Afterwards, you can head to Usage and start configuring the associated parts to behave the way you need it to.